Adding a Log Source for File Transfer

You must use the Add File Transfer tab to add a remote log source from which you intend to transfer files.

After adding all the remote log sources, you can specify rules using the File Transfer Rules feature.


  1. On the Management > Devices > Devices tab, click .
  2. In the Name field, type a name for the log source.
  3. Type an optional description for the remote log source.
  4. From the Device Type drop-down menu, select the type of log source or application generating the logs to be transferred.
  5. In the Collector Domain field, enter an identification name that to be used for identifying each message sent from this device. This field can be empty. If defined, it must be a unique name with a maximum of 256 characters. Do not include special characters, for example, \| / " ? * : %. This field is also case sensitive.
  6. In the Host IP field, type the IP address of the log source from which you want to transfer files.
  7. Click the radio button to indicate whether to retrieve log files from this log source.
  8. Select Refresh Device Name through the DNS Lookups to have the Name field automatically updated with one obtained through a reverse DNS lookup on the configured refresh interval. Configure the refresh interval in the Refresh Auto-Identified Device Interval field on the Administration > System Settings > General tab. The DNS name overrides any name you type in the Name field.
  9. If you selected a log source that uses SSL or user authentication:
    • Select the Use SSL check box to use SSL to communicate from your appliance to the log source for file transfer.
    • Select the Use User Authentication check box to authenticate the user name and password for file transfer from the log source to your appliance. The user name and password should match a user listed in the Management > Users > Users tab.
    • Copy the auto-generated SSL Certificate on to the log source to enable encryption while transferring files. You cannot use SSL without copying the SSL Certificate to the log source.
  10. Click Add to add the log source.