Creating a New Retention Rule

You can create new retention rules to specify the retention time period for specified log sources.


  1. Access Administration > Data Retention Rules from the navigation menu.
  2. Click the Create New button from the left pane, to create a new retention rule. The New Retention Rule window appears.
  3. Enter the Name and Description of the rule.
  4. In the Raw Data Retention time section, select the time period for the raw data from the months, and days drop-down menus.
    Note: The maximum raw data retention period for all appliance models is 10 years.
  5. To enable indexing, select the Index the data (for searching) check box.
    The Indexed Data Retention time section is displayed.
  6. Select the time period for retaining the indexed data.
    Warning: You must select the Data Retention time period from the drop-down menu. The Indexed Data Retention time period cannot be more than Raw Data Retention time period.
  7. Click Save to save the rule settings. The new rule is now listed in the Custom Rules list in the left pane.
  8. Click the Commit Changes button to commit the latest changes. Click the Revert Changes button to revert to the last committed changes.
    Note: After you make all changes, click the Commit Changes button to commit to all changes. After you click the Commit Changes button, the new data is stored as per the new rule.

What to do next

After you create a new retention rule, you can assign log sources to this rule, see Assigning Log Sources to a Data Retention Rule.