Creating a new trend widget

Note: To create a trend widget, you must have the Index Search privileges. For more information about privileges, see Managing Users in the TIBCO LogLogic® Log Management Intelligence Administration Guide.


  1. Navigate to the Dashboards > My Dashboard > Widgets menu.
  2. Click the icon to begin adding a widget.
    The Widgets pane appears.
  3. Click the Trend icon. A list of existing trend widgets, if any, is displayed in the second pane.
  4. Click the Create New link to create a new widget.
    The new widget settings pane appears.
  5. Enter the Name and Description of the widget.
  6. Select a saved search from the Search list as explained in the following table.
  7. Specify the Trend Range as explained in the following table.
    Trend Widgets Elements
    Element Description
    Name Name of your widget that is displayed on the widget Title bar.
    Description Description of your widget.
    Shared Select the check box if you want to share your widget with others. However, only the creator can edit this widget setting.
    Selected Displays the selected report from the Report list. When the report is not selected, None is displayed.
    Enter text to filter Enter the text to filter Report list and then press Enter.
    Report list By default, the following columns are displayed:
    • Type: the report template type, for example, User Access
    • Name: the name of the report
    • Description: the description of the report

    Click the column heading to sort the table by that column to view in ascending or descending order.

    Trend Range section
    Tiimespan Specify the timespan from the drop-down menu. The options are:
    • 1 Day
    • 7 Days
    • 30 Days
  8. Perform one of the following:
    • Click the Save Settings button to save the widget’s settings. The widget is now listed in the saved widget list. Click Add to Dashboard button to add the widget to your dashboard.
    • Click the Save & Add to Dashboard button to save the settings and add the new widget to your dashboard.