
The Dashboard is highly customizable with widgets and data of your selection.

The Widgets link allows you to view and add existing widgets to your dashboard, create new widgets, edit existing widgets settings, or remove widgets from the system.

Using the drag-drop method, you can change the position of widgets on your Dashboard. Click and drag the widgets title bar to move a widget to a new location on the canvas. You can also resize any widget by pulling the bottom side of the widget. The system automatically saves your latest widget positions with your LogLogic User Account.

Depending on the widget type, some widgets display different buttons on the upper right corner of the widget.

The following table lists and describes the widget buttons:

Widget buttons
Button Description
Shows the toolbar for that widget. Using this toolbar, you can view different presentation options of the selected report. For example, for Summary widget, you can choose to view Column chart, Bar chart or Table format.
Displays the widget in full screen view. If it is already in full screen view, this restores the widget to normal size.
Displays the widget’s existing settings. Click the button to open the Edit widget settings window. This allows you to change the widget’s existing settings.
Removes the widget from your Dashboard. However, the widget is still available in the widget list to use on other dashboards.
Select the color of the widget’s graph from a color palette.
Note: From the widget toolbar, this button is available only for certain widget types.

By default, widgets are created exclusively for your use. However, you can share your widgets with others by checking Shared option on the widget's settings screen. Sharing Report and Search widgets improves system performance, since the underlying data used for the visualization only needs to be created once for all Dashboard views of the Widget.

If you face performance issues with these widgets, use Advance Dashboard widgets instead, which use aggregated data.