Adding Destinations to the All Sources Rule

You can add destinations to the All Sources rule.


  1. Access Administration > Message Routing from the navigation menu.
  2. Click the Add Destination link.
  3. From the Destination Type drop-down menu, select LogLogic Unity.

    This select ion disables the Destination Port, Protocol, Format Settings, LogLogic Fowarding Settings and Other Settings as they do not apply to LogLogic® Unity.

  4. In the Connect Str: field, type the connectstring of the destination LogLogic® Unity to which you want to forward messages. (For example,
    Note: The port number 9600 must be specified regardless of the IP address you use, as 9600 is the zookeeper port on LogLogic® Unity.
  5. Select the Enable checkbox to activate message forwarding.
  6. In the LogLogic® Unity Forwarding Settings select the Unity Domain (this domain routes data to LogLogic® Unity). Shared is the default value. You can specify a new name in the text box, however the domain name entered here must exist in LogLogic® Unity.

    In LogLogic® Unity, a domain is an area of storage for events and their associated data. You can split data of different nature or intended usage into multiple domains. You can search for events from a specific domain or multiple domains from the Search tab. Similarly, you can specify which data should be used for alerting. In LogLogic® Unity, you can select from a list of pre-configured domains or define a new domain. The default is set to shared. The three pre-defined domains are: shared, internal, and samples. For more information refer to the TIBCO LogLogic® Unity User Guide.

  7. Click Add to add the destination to the All Source rule.
    The Message Routing screen is displayed and shows the newly added Destination to the existing All Source rule.

    You can enable, disable, or delete the rules, you can also edit, add or remove destinations to the rules. For more information on how to edit destinations, refer to Editing Routing Rules. For more information about how to edit filters, see Editing Filters. For more information about how to delete destinations, see Removing Destinations.