System Alert

The System Alert allows for notification when system health and status criteria exceed acceptable bounds.

Request Parameters

alertCriteria, lowThreshold, highThreshold, drive, peerIP


“alertCriteria/CPU Temperature//highThreshold/65”

The following table lists the System Alert-specific parameters. You must include the parameters as inputs for the alertRules parameter.

System Alert-specific Rules
Parameter Description Values Required Type
alertCriteria The criteria used to generate an alert.
  • CPU Temperature — CPU temperature, in Celsius degrees, under which the CPU temperature must remain.
  • Disk Usage — Drive and percentage under which the disk usage must remain.
  • Dropped Messages — Maximum dropped message rate (messages per second).
  • Fail-over — Identifies when fail-over is enacted.
  • Network Connection Speed — Minimum throughput threshold for the network connection.
  • Network Interface — Identifies that a network interface (for example, eth0 or eth1) fails to function.
  • Synchronization Failure — Identifies if the data synchronization process fails after failover occurs.
  • TCP Forward Connection Status — Downstream device IP address. Forwarding Rules are required for this alert criterion. Use the Message Routing Service Operations or specify the message routing rules in the LogLogic User interface (Administration > Message Routing).
Possible values:

CPU Temperature, Disk Usage, Dropped Messages, Fail-over, Network Connection Speed , Network Interface, Synchronization Failure, TCP Forward Connection Status, 
Data Migration complete,
RAID Disk Failure,
Resource Exhaustion,
TCP Forward Falling Behind

yes string

(Network Interface only)

Specify the interfaces that the system should alert on. Possible values:

eth0, eth1 or eth1

yes string

(Network Connection Speed only)

Minimum connection speed.

Specify a value if implementing the Network Connection Speed alert criteria (AlertCritera parameter)

Possible values:


The default is 10-half.

yes string

(CPU Temperature only)

CPU temperature, in Celsius degrees, under which the CPU temperature must remain.

Specify a value if implementing the CPU Temperature alert criteria (AlertCritera parameter)

Any positive integer between 1 and 100. The value is in Celsius degrees.

The default is 80 degrees Celsius.

yes string

(Disk Usage only)

The percentage of allowable disk space usage on the specified disk drive. Use in conjunction with the drive parameter.

Specify only if the alertCriteria value is Disk Usage.

Any positive integer between 1 and 100.

The default is 90 (90%).

yes string

(Dropped Messages only)

Maximum dropped message rate (messages per second).

Specify only if the alertCriteria value is Droped Messages.

Any positive integer. The value is in seconds.

The default is 100 messages per second.

yes string

(Disk Usage only)

The disk drive under which usage must remain below the value specified in the highThreshold (Disk Usage) parameter. Use in conjunction with the highThreshold (Disk Usage) parameter.

Specify only if the alertCriteria value is Disk Usage.

Possible values:

/, /failsafe, /tmp, /loglogic, /dev, 

yes string

(TCP Forward Connection Status only)

Downstream device IP address. The IP address is created using the destinationIP parameter in Message Routing Service Operations or by specifying the Destination IP in the LogLogic User interface (Administration > Message Routing).

Specify only if the alertCriteria value is TCP Forward Connection Status.

Valid IP address associated with a message routing rule. yes string