Saving Search Results Report

You can save the results of the index or Regex search as a report.


  1. Click Save As option from the icon drop-down menu to save the report. You can update the saved report by using the Save option. The Save As Report window appears.
  2. Enter the name and description of the report in the Name and Description fields respectively. The Name field is a mandatory field.
    Note: Do not use any special characters in the Description field when saving the Index report.
  3. Select the Suite option from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select the Share? check box if you want to share the report.
  5. Select the desired print option. For Grouped Search, the options are:
    • Print Summary Report
    • Print Detailed Report
      • Order by group-by value: The printed report is ordered by the column selected as the group-by option.
      • Collapse Messages: The printed report is briefer, and does not include raw log data.
  6. Click Save.