Running Scheduled or Immediate Backups

You can schedule a backup to run on specified days or run a backup immediately.


Before scheduling or running a backup, ensure that you meet the following prerequisites as per the backup method you are using:
Prerequisites for SCP backup
  • You must set up the SSH key using the CLI command system keycopy. See Configuring Backup.
  • Ensure that the rsync, df, and awk utilities are installed on the SCP server. Without these, the backup works but free space on the remote server is not reported.
  • The rsync version on the backup server must be higher or equal to the version running on the appliance. Otherwise the backup process fails. To check the rsync version, run the following command:
    rsync --version
Prerequisites for NFS backup
  • A NAS or any NFS volume
  • By default, the NetApp Snapshot feature is enabled on NetApp systems to copy data from an NFS storage location to the snapshot directory so that you can create restore points for files. You must disable NetApp Snapshot on your NetApp device because it affects some LogLogic LMI components via the mounted snapshot and is not supported in the LogLogic LMI appliance. For instructions about how to disable NetApp Snapshot, see the article #000036898 on the TIBCO Support website.
Prerequisites for SAN backup
  • Access to a LogLogic ST SAN appliance
  • A Host Bus Adapter (HBA) installed on the LogLogic ST SAN appliance
Prerequisites for Amazon S3 backup
  • Access to an Amazon S3 console with credentials, key ID, and secret key
  • An Amazon S3 bucket to store the backup data
  • The appliance system time must be precisely set to match the local timezone.


  1. In the appliance GUI, go to Administration > Backup/Restore Configuration.
  2. Select the backup method:
    • NFS
    • SCP
    • SAN (This option is available only on LogLogic ST SAN appliances.)
    • Amazon S3
    A section with fields specific to the selected backup method is displayed.
  3. (Optional) Select to Optimize the backups so only incremental backups are run instead of a full backup each time.
    An incremental backup copies only data that changed since the previous backup, while providing full restore capability if needed. This saves a lot of processing time for each backup after the initial backup for the appliance.
    Note: This option is not available for Amazon S3.
  4. (Optional) When the Bypass disk space checking check box is not selected (Default), the system checks for available backup space prior to backing up your log files.
    Because the LogLogic application is very conservative, and because the total space required for backing up logs is difficult to accurately predict, the system might state that not enough storage space is available for backing up your log files when in fact you know that sufficient space is available. The default condition for this check box is cleared, meaning the appliance calculates (and possibly overestimates) the amount of backup space required. 

    Selecting the Bypass disk space checking check box on the Backup Configuration pane prevents the appliance from possibly overestimating the amount of storage space necessary for a full backup of your log data.

    Note: This option is not available for Amazon S3.
  5. (Optional) Select the Config only check box to back up only the configuration data of the appliance.
  6. Depending upon the backup method you selected, enter the following information:
    Backup method Fields/tasks Description
    • User
    • Server
    Enter the username and server IP address.
    NFS NFS Server Enter the server IP address

    In the Device pane, view the Host Bus Adapters (HBAs) and World Wide Port Number (WWPNs):

    • Hover over the HBA to reveal the local port number assigned to it.
    • Click + to reveal the disks attached to the HBA.
    • Hover over disk numbers to see attached labels.
    • Click a disk to display (in the Information pane) its operational status, size, and the Linux device mapped to it. (The UUID and Label fields are not used.)
    • Click + again to reveal the disk partitions and sizes. Hover over partitions to see attached labels.
    • Click a disk partition to display (in the Information pane) its operational status, Universally Unique Identifier (UUID), label, size, and Linux device mapped to it. The partition is what the user must choose to back up to, not the actual disks themselves.
    The Current Configuration window shows the target disk and partition selected for backing up to. If the window is blank, no disk and partition have been selected yet.

    To select or change the target disk and partition, click a partition in the Device pane and roll your mouse over it to reveal the presence of a label. If no label appears, check the partition size in the Information window.

    If the partition size is adequate for backing up your log data, click the Label button above the Device pane, and enter a label for your backup. Click OK to close the window, or Cancel to close without saving.

    Amazon S3 Identity Select Identity and Access Management (IAM) User or IAM Role as per the permissions assigned to you by the administrator.
    • AWS Access Key ID
    • AWS Secret Access Key
    Enter the AWS access key ID and secret access key of the AWS console.
    Role ARN Enter the Amazon Resource Name (ARN). This field is displayed only if you select identity as IAM Role.
    Amazon S3 Bucket Name Enter the bucket name where you want to back up the appliance data.
  7. Set the backup to automatically run as per a schedule or to run immediately:
    • Select the recurring Backup Schedule days and time.

      Select the days of the week on which you want automatic backups to occur, or select Everyday.

      Set Backup Time for the automatic backups to begin on the selected days. Appliance data is backed up on the selected days and at the beginning of the scheduled hour.

    • If you want to run a backup immediately, select Start Backup Immediately.
  8. Select the number of Backups To Retain that can be available later for restoring. The maximum is 30.
  9. Click Update to save the backup configuration.


After the backup is completed, the following message is displayed:
Backup configuration update completed
For SAN backups, if any of the following messages is displayed, select a different partition and try performing the backup again:
  • SAN Config: The selected device can't be used for SAN.
  • SAN Config: The selected device conflicts with an existing backup/restore configuration

To avoid accidental overwriting by another appliance, the backup process creates an additional folder ll_bkup_<ip-address> using the IP address of the appliance. Depending on the requirements of the backup server file system, the <ip-address> might be either the IP address using decimal points, or a format where colon characters are replaced by other characters. All backup sessions for an appliance are contained in its corresponding backup folder. Examples of folders created on NFS, SCP, or SAN servers:

$ ls -l
total 24
drwxr-xr-x    7 root root 4096 Mar 30 11:10 .
drwxr-xr-x    3 root root 4096 Mar 27 17:11 ..
drwxr-xr-x   14 root root 4096 Mar 27 19:12 ll_bkup_session_1214586678_1238181143
drwxr-xr-x   14 root root 4096 Mar 27 21:27 ll_bkup_session_1238188349_1238189277
drwxr-xr-x   14 root root 4096 Mar 28 11:10 ll_bkup_session_1236038400_1238238608
drwxr-xr-x   14 root root 4096 Mar 29 11:09 ll_bkup_session_1238324400_1238324960
drwxr-xr-x   14 root root 4096 Mar 30 11:10 ll_bkup_session_1238410800_1238411403

What to do next

(Optional) To verify if the backup directory has been created on the backup server or Amazon S3 bucket:
  1. Log in to the backup server or Amazon S3 bucket.
  2. Open the backup folder ll_bkup_<ip-address> for the selected appliance and view the files.