Get Detail Report Meta Info Operation

The getDetailReportMetaInfo command performs the same functionality as getReportMetaInfo. However, instead of ReportType/LogSource, it takes an LLDetailTokenRef string as input to retrieve the report column metadata.

Note: Only displayed columns in a custom report will be returned, not all columns.

Get Detail Report Meta Info Request Parameter

The getDetailReportMetaInfo operation request parameters are:

Parameter Description Values Required Type
authToken Unique authentication token.   Yes String
applianceIP The Appliance from which you retrieve the metadata.

If the value is blank, it retrieves the Appliance IP address from the local Appliance.

This parameter is applicable for Management Station Appliances only.

IP address of a managed Appliance or All for retrieving an aggregated report from all managed Appliances. To specify an IP address, use the standard IP address format. For example:

Yes String
LLDetailTokenRef The detail report token reference. The detail token string received in previous getReport operation. Yes String

Get Detail Report Meta Info Response Attributes

The getDetailReportMetaInfo response attributes are:

Attribute Description Type
errorCode Error code for the request number. Number
errorCause Error casuse code of the error. Number
columnCount Number of columns returned in the report. Number
columnInfo An array of reportColumnInfo (complex type).

reportColumnInfo is a structure containing:

displayName (string)

shortDisplayName (string)

internalName (string)

columnType (string)
