Configuring NAS Server Storage

You can use a NAS server in conjunction with a LogLogic ST Appliance or LogLogic EVA as a dedicated storage system for raw data files. See NAS SnapLock Protection.


By default, the NetApp Snapshot feature is enabled on NetApp systems to copy data from an NFS storage location to the snapshot directory so that you can create restore points for files. You must disable NetApp Snapshot on your NetApp device because it affects some LogLogic LMI components via the mounted snapshot and is not supported in the LogLogic LMI appliance. For instructions about how to disable NetApp Snapshot, see the article #000036898 on the TIBCO Support website.


  1. In the navigation menu on the appliance, select Administration > Archive Configuration.
  2. On the Archive Configuration page, select the Enable NAS radio button to activate the NAS server you specify.
    Note: Archive Threshold relates to local storage capacity of the appliance. The user can change the default setting (75% of max) at which point the oldest files stored on the appliance begin moving to the external archive storage device (until the Archive Threshold value is met again).

    Setting the archiving threshold to a value below 5% might increase the chance of interference between the indexer and the archiver processes, and FileNotFoundException messages in indexer.log might be displayed. This is because, as soon as files are collected in the LogLogic LMI appliance, the archiving process starts moving files while the indexer is trying to access them. The lower the archiving threshold, the greater is the chance of interference.

  3. In the NAS Configuration field, click Add and enter the NAS server IP address and mount directory.

    You must create the directory on the NAS server before you can mount the machine. The appliance can be connected to up to 32 mount points.

    Note: The NAS Server field is case sensitive and format specific. If the same file name and path exists, the data is overwritten. If you designate a partition and change it later, you might not be able to access the files you saved on the old partition. In addition, if this is the first time you are specifying an archive server, make sure the mount directory is empty.

    For example, the format for the IP address and mount directory is: xxx.yyy.zzz.ddd:/ExportedShare


    xxx.yyy.zzz.ddd is the IP address for the NAS server

    ExportedShare is the mount directory

  4. Select the Enable SnapLock check box to let the appliance archive data to a NetApp Server with SnapLock.
  5. Click Update to save your settings.