Management of Bloks

A Blok is a contextual element or filter that fits with other elements to form a search query.

Build and save different Bloks that can be used in future searches rather than searching every time with the same filter.

For detailed information on how to search using Bloks, see Bloks.

You can manage all types of Bloks from the Management > Advanced Features > Bloks page:

Finding Bloks

You can quickly find the desired Blok by typing the Blok name in the Find field. As you start typing the Blok name in the Find field, the Bloks page is automatically refreshed showing your selection.

Viewing Bloks based on filters

You can use filters to easily find Bloks. Click the View list to view all Bloks in the system.

Sorting Bloks

You can sort any column in ascending or descending order. Click on the column name or click the arrow (that is displayed on the right side of the column name when you click in the column) to sort the column.

Adding a new Blok

Click to add a new Blok. For instructions, see Adding a Blok.

Editing existing Bloks

Select the Blok name that you want to update. The Details panel opens on the right side of the page. Click the Edit link to update. For instructions, see Modifying a Blok.

Note: You cannot update system generated filter Bloks that have aggregation rule associated.

You must update the aggregation rule to update the corresponding filter Blok.

Duplicating existing Bloks

Select the Blok name that you want to copy by selecting the check box located next to the Name column and click to copy the Blok. Enter the new name in the Name field and click OK. You can now modify the Blok as per your need.

Note: The Duplicate button is enabled after you select a Blok from the list.

Deleting Bloks

You can delete single or multiple Bloks. For instructions, see Deleting a Blok.

Showing or hiding columns

You can show or hide columns, except the mandatory column, from the table . Click to view all available columns in the table. Select the check box to show the column. Clear the check box to hide the column from the table. The Bloks page is updated immediately.

The Bloks page information is described in the following table:

Column Description
Name The name of the Blok
Description The description of the Blok
Type The type of Blok
Created by The user who created the Blok