List of User Privileges

Select the check boxes to grant specific privileges under each category, or clear the check boxes to remove privileges.
Note: All appliance options are listed in the following tables. However, depending on the appliance selection, you might see only a subset of these options in the navigation menu for your appliance.

The following privileges are available: Administrator, User Admin, Report Admin, and Config Admin.

Administrator privileges for all categories
User Admin
Only User Admin privileges
Privilege Option Description
Manage User Lets users create, modify, and remove users or roles on the appliance.
Manage Administrators Lets users create, modify, remove user accounts with administrator privileges.
Replicate User Lets users replicate user accounts on the Management Station appliance to attached remote appliances.
Report Admin
Only Report Admin privileges
Privilege Option Description
Real-Time Reports Lets users create, modify, remove, and run Real-Time reports.
Search Archived Data Lets users search log data captured by the appliance. Also, allows users to Replay archived data from its archived location.
Access Custom Reports Lets users access Custom Reports. This option controls the Add/Modify/Delete Custom Reports and the Run/Schedule Custom Reports menus. If you enable or disable this privilege, both Add/Modify/Delete Custom Reports and the Run/Schedule Custom Reports options are automatically enabled or disabled.
Note: For any user to view Search > All Saved Searches > All Index Reports, and All Search Filters menus, this privilege must be enabled.
Add/Modify/Delete Custom Reports Lets users add, modify, and delete Custom Reports.
Run/Schedule Custom Reports Lets users run and schedule Custom Reports.
Config Admin
Only Config Admin privileges
Privilege Option Description
Manage Devices Lets users add, modify, and remove devices and device groups.
Port Configuration (LogLogic LX Appliance, LogLogic MX Appliance only) Lets users add, modify, and remove the port definitions on the appliance.
Message Routing Configuration Lets users manage the appliance message routing configuration. Users can add, modify, and remove upstream devices and routing filters.

Note: User with “Access all devices” privilege should be given the Message Routing Configuration privilege.
Manage Alerts Lets users add, modify, and remove alerts.
Manage Check Point Devices Lets users add, modify, and remove Check Point devices.
Manage PIX/ASA Codes Lets users manage the categorization of incoming messages based on the PIX/ASA severity.
System Configuration Lets users manage system settings for the appliance. Users have full access to configure general settings, remote servers, database table retention values, appliance network settings, time settings, and archive config settings.
Firewall Settings Lets users define access rules for TCP or UDP packets accessing the appliance.
Backup/Archive Configuration Lets users define the backup and archive configuration for the appliance:
  • Backup configuration:
    • NFS or SCP on any appliance
    • SAN on ST SAN appliances
  • Archive configuration: NAS and SnapLock settings only for LogLogic ST Appliances and LogLogic EVA
View Management Station Status Lets users access the Dashboards > Management Station Status menu if the Management Station is configured.
Manage File Transfer Rules Lets users add, modify, and remove file transfer rules for devices.
Import/Export Lets users import and export components such as alerts, reports, search filters, and suites
Manage Suites Lets users add, modify, and remove suites on the appliance.
Manage SSL Certificate Lets users manage SSL Certificates for the appliance. Users can manage LogLogic signed certificates, import certificates, and import private keys.
Manage Device Types Lets user add, modify, remove, import, and export device types.
Manage Tag Catalog/Column Manager Lets users add, modify, and remove Field Tags and Event Types. Also lets users define which columns to hide from the Searches and Reports when the Data Privacy mode is enabled.
Manage Message Signatures Lets users create, modify, and remove message signatures
Note: If privileges are greyed out, the user might be created on a remote authentication server (Active Directory, RADIUS, or TACACS) and not a user created on the LogLogic LMI appliance. An appliance administrator can modify the privileges of remote users from the Management > Users > Users page as follows:
  • To modify privileges for an AD-based user: On the Directory Roles tab, click the role name, and click the Privileges tab.
  • To modify privileges for RADIUS or TACACS users: Click the RemoteUserTemplate template and click the Privileges tab.
For more information, see User Roles.