Alert-Specific Request Parameters

You must specify the alert rules for each specific alert type you are managing.

Alert Rules are defined using the alertRulesrequest parameter. The following section contains alert-specific parameters for each of the alert types. The alert types are Adaptive Baseline, Cisco PIX/ASA Messages, Message Volume, Network Policy, Pre-defined Search Filter, Ratio Based, System, VPN Connections, VPN Messages, and VPN Statistics.

Alert-Specific Request Parameters usage must follow several rules:

  • All Alert-Specific Parameters can be implemented in any order. LogLogic recommends that you implement the alert rules in a consistent order and format to make managing the alert rules easier.
  • Alert-Specific parameter values must include double quotation marks around the entire alert rule. For example:


  • If the name of a device or the parameter value includes a forward slash (/), such as HP/UX, IBM i5/OS, or Accept/Total, you must replace the forward slash with %2F. (The F is case-sensitive.)

    Examples: HP%2FUX, IBM i5%2FOS, or Accept%2FTotal

  • Use forward slash marks as delimiters when specifying alert rules. Use a single forward slash mark (/) as a delimiter to define multiple values for a parameter. Use double forward slash marks (//) as delimiters for parameters. For example:


    where param1, param2, and param3 are parameters and valueA, valueC, valueD, and valueE are values for param1, param2, and param3, respectively.

    The example assigns the following name/value pairs:

    • param1 = valueA
    • param2 = valueC, valueD
    • param3 = valueE