Setting up Active Directory


  1. In the Server Name text field, enter the name of the remote authentication server.
  2. Select the Enable check box to enable this remote authentication server for the appliance after you click Update.
  3. In the Server IP text field, enter the IP address for the remote authentication server.
  4. In the Port text field, enter the port number for the remote authentication server, unless you want to use the listed default.
  5. Select the Enable SSL check box to establish the secure connection on the AD server. Ensure that you have the certificate file of each AD server and the certificate is added to the truststore.
  6. After adding the certificate to the truststore, in the file /loglogic/tomcat/bin/, disable endpoint verification by setting the JAVA option:
    JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dcom.sun.jndi.ldap.object.disableEndpointIdentification=true"
  7. For Auth Type, select the type of authentication for the Active Directory server to perform: Kerberos or Simple Authentication (username/password).
  8. In the Realm text field, enter the realm for the remote authentication server.
    For example: SQA2008R2a.lab
  9. (Simple Authentication only) In the NT Domain text field, enter the domain name for the remote authentication server. This field is displayed only if you select Simple Authentication as the Auth Type.
    For example: SQA2008Ra
  10. In the User and Password fields, enter the credentials of any user who has access to the Active Directory server. This is required so that when the daily AD user cleanup task runs, if the users with remote authentication are removed from all associated roles or groups, or are disabled or deleted from the AD server, the corresponding users are removed from the Management Users tab.
  11. Click the Test button to test the connection to the specified Active Directory server.
    1. A pop-up prompts you for a login name and password for the server.
    2. Enter a login name and password of any user for the server and click Test Connection.
    3. The pop-up remains open to display the status of the test. If the connection test times out (after fifteen seconds), a time out message appears in the Connection Status box on the pop-up.
  12. Click Update to save your entries or changes.
  13. Import the AD server certificates:
    1. Go to the Administration > SSL Certificate > Trusted Certificates tab.
    2. Each server has its own certificate. Paste each server's certificate in the Import Trusted Certificate box. Each certificate must begin on a new line.
    3. Click Import.
    4. Click Yes to confirm restarting the GUI and wait for the GUI to restart.