REST Request Format

REST API requests must be submitted in a specific format.

The format of a LogLogic REST API request is:

<METHOD> <baseurl>/<basePath>?<query_parameters>


  • <METHOD> is the HTTP method to be used on the resource (GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE)
  • <baseurl> is the REST API Endpoint ( baseurl ).
  • <basePath> is the part of the path that identifies the required LogLogic resource. It consists of:
    • a fixed part - for example, /api/v2/query when starting a query.
    • followed by (if required) path parameters - for example, id when starting a query
  • <query_parameters> identifies any parameters to be passed as part of the request. Unless otherwise specified for a specific parameter, all query parameters are always optional. Multiple query parameters should be separated by ampersand (&) characters.

For example, the GET query request shows how to start a business service called GET query:

GET https://<hostname>:9681/api/v2/query/{id}


  • https://<hostname>:9681/ is the LogLogic REST API endpoint.
  • api/v2 is the fixed part of the <basePath>.
  • query is the path parameter in the <basePath>.
  • {id} is the parameter of the path in the <basePath>.