Firewall Settings

You can define rules for Source IP address or subnet, and destination TCP or UDP ports.

Your input rules can allow and deny access based on the following criteria of the machine requesting authentication or access:

  • IP address:
    • All
    • Single IP / CIDR
  • Protocol:
    • TCP
    • UDP
  • Port:

    For a list of ports please refer to Port Assignments.

    You can change the Syslog UDP or TCP port number from 514, or specify additional port numbers. See General Settings.

    Note: If non-default Syslog UDP or TCP Port is specified (using the Administration > System Settings > General tab) and the Enable IP Firewall check box is selected, then you must add an additional Input Rule for each non-default Syslog UDP or TCP port to allow this port to receive syslog messages. For instructions, see Adding an Input Rule.
  • Action:
    • Accept
    • Deny