VPN Messages Alert

The VPN Message Alert triggers on combinations of specific VPN message area, severity, and code. This alert is applicable to Cisco VPN devices.

Request Parameters

MessageArea, MessageCode, SeverityFrom, SeverityTo



The following table lists the VPN Messages Alert-specific parameters. You must include the parameters as inputs for the alertRules parameter.

VPN Message Alert-specific rules
Parameter Description Values Required Type
messageArea Identifies the message area for the alert. The message area defines the general area from where the alert is sent. For example, alerts that are related to HTTP, AUTH, IKE, or IPSEC.

A combination of the messageArea and MessageCode uniquely identifies the alert.

For a list of possible values, see the Message Areas, or view the list in the User Interface.



yes string
MessageCode Identifies the alert code.

The range can vary from 1 to the maximum value for the Area you select.

A combination of the messageArea and MessageCode uniquely identifies the alert.

Any positive integer.

In addition you can leave the field blank or type a zero (0).

If you leave this field blank or type zero, this equals Any to the application.

yes int
severityFrom Minimum value for the severity level range as it relates to the value specified by the messageArea parameter.

The severityFrom parameter and the severityTo parameter define the numeric range

Any positive integer between 0 and 13.

The value zero (0) equals all severity levels.

yes int
severityTo Maximum value for the severity level range as it relates to the value specified by the messageArea parameter.

The severityFrom parameter and the severityTo parameter define the numeric range

Any positive integer between 0 and 13.

The value zero (0) equals all severity levels.

yes int