VPN Connections Alert
The VPN Connection Alert triggers when a VPN connection is denied access and/or disconnected. The VPN Connection alert is only applicable to Cisco VPN, Radius, and Nortel Contivity devices.
“VPNUser/null//VPNGroup/null//VPNIP/ disconnected”
"VPNUser/null//VPNGroup/null//VPNIP/ denied access"
The following table lists the VPN Connections Alert-specific parameters. You must include the parameters as inputs for the alertRules parameter.
Parameter | Description | Values | Required | Type |
VPNUser | Defines the VPN user from where the connection originates.
If you specify a value for the VPNUser parameter, you must also specify a value for the VPNGroup parameter. You can specify a value for the VPNIP parameter instead of the VPNUser and VPNGroup parameters together. |
optional | string | |
VPNGroup | Defines the VPN Group from where the connection originates.
You must specify a value for the VPNGroup parameter if you specify a value for the VPNUser parameter. You can specify a value for the VPNIP parameter instead of the VPNUser and VPNGroup parameters together. |
optional | string | |
VPNIP | Defines the VPN IP address from where the connection originates.
You can use the VPNIP parameter as an additional filter instead of using the VPNUser and VPNGroup parameters. |
Standard IP address format. For example: |
optional | string |
disconnectReason | Identifies the reason for sending an alert. An alert is generated if a connection is disconnected and/or if a connection is denied access. | Possible values:
is disconnected, is denied access, both is disconnected — alert when a connection is disconnected. is denied access — alert when a connection is denied access. both — both is disconnected and is denied access. |
yes | string |