Creating a New Outbound Routing Rule


  • Search Filter

    For more information regarding filters refer to Adding a Search Filter section in the TIBCO LogLogic® Log Management Intelligence User Guide.


  1. Access Administration > Message Routing from the navigation menu.
  2. Click the Create Outbound Data Rule button to create a new routing rule.
  3. In the Rule Name field, enter a name for the routing rule and click Next.
  4. Under Add Log Sources section, click the down arrow next to Select and pick a log source filter.
  5. Select a log source by clicking its name.
  6. Click <<Add selected log sources to move the selected log sources to the left.
  7. Click Next.
  8. From the Destination Type drop-down menu, select LogLogic Unity.
    This selection will grey out the Destination Port, Protocol, Format Settings, LogLogic Fowarding Settings and Other Settings as they do not apply to LogLogic® Unity.
  9. In the Connect Str: field, type the connectstring of the destination LogLogic® Unity to which you want to forward messages. (For example,
    Note: The port number 9600 must be specified regardless of the IP address you use, as 9600 is the zookeeper port on LogLogic® Unity.
  10. Select the Enable check box to activate message forwarding.
  11. In the LogLogic® Unity Forwarding Settings select the Unity Domain (this domain will route data to LogLogic® Unity), shared is the default. You can specify a new name in the text box, however the domain name entered here must exist in LogLogic® Unity.

    In LogLogic® Unity, a domain is an area of storage for events and their associated data. You can split data of different nature or intended usage into multiple domains. You can search for events from a specific domain or multiple domains from the Search tab. Similarly, you can specify which data should be used for alerting. In LogLogic® Unity you can select from a list of pre-configured domains or define a new domain. The default is set to shared. The three pre-defined domains are: shared, internal, and samples. For more information refer to the TIBCO LogLogic® Unity User Guide.

  12. Click Next to define the message Filters including Severity, and Facility or click Finish to accept the default message filters.
  13. Select an existing search filter from the Search Filter drop-down menu.
  14. Select the Forward all except filter matches check box to forward those messages that do not match the defined search filter.
  15. Select the Message Severity and Facility filters that you wish to select or Select All if you want everything forwarded.
    By default, all check boxes are selected for syslog-based log sources.

    The facility specifies the subsystem that produced the message. For example, all mail programs log with the mail facility (LOG_MAIL) if they log using syslog.

  16. Click Finish.
    The Message Routing screen is displayed and shows the newly added Routing Rule.