Configuring Requirements for 100,000 Devices

To specify 100,000 devices you must change the value of max_devices for LXVirtual, STVirtual, and MXVirtual to show 100,000 devices and to change the JVM parameters.


  1. Navigate to /loglogic/conf/capability.xml.
  2. In the file, change the max_devices parameter to 100000. For example:
  3. Adjust the JAVA_OPTS parameters -Xms and -Xmx, so that the memory allocated is 1GB. For example:
    <propertyValue>"Xms1024M -Xmx1024M"/propertyValue>
  4. For the changes to take effect stop and then restart your engines.
    1. Use mtask stop to stop your engines.
    2. Use mtask start to restart your engines.