Modifying Report Settings and Time Frame


  1. Clicking the Edit Settings button opens up a Properties window again, this time allowing you to Add Columns and Filters if desired.
  2. Enter your selections for Add Columns and Filters (if any) and click Save As.
  3. Enter a name and description for the report in the pop-up window. Select Share with others if desired. Click Save & Close.
  4. Click Run Again to execute your report with the new filtering criteria. The new report is displayed in the list of all Saved Reports (from Reports > All Saved Reports).
  5. Click the date range (blue type at top left) to modify the timeframe for your report. The Date and Time Range Picker appears, with Last Hour as the default setting. Follow the steps listed in Selecting Time Frame and Running a Report.
  6. From the list of Saved Reports (access Reports > All Saved Reports), you may click Run or Edit to modify the report settings of any Saved Report.
  7. To search for a particular report or report series in the Saved Reports list, click in the Find field and enter a search term.
  8. Press Enter. Any term found in the list of report titles are highlighted; all other reports not containing the search term is no longer shown in the list of Saved Reports. Clear the search term in the Find field and press Enter to see all Saved Reports again.
  9. You may add a schedule for a Saved Report by clicking the report Name and then clicking Schedule selected.

    The Scheduling window opens. You can define a Timeframe, Email Recipients (pre-defined system users), and Formatting options. Click the Manage Recipients button to update the appliance address book. Using this option, you can add new or modify recipient addresses that are non-defined system users (that are not defined under Management > Users page).

  10. You may delete a Saved Report from the list by clicking the report Name and then clicking Remove selected.
    A pop-up message asking you to Confirm Deletion is displayed.