Viewing and Modifying an Alert Template

You can only view the default (system defined) alert templates.

You cannot edit or delete the default alert templates. However, you can update or delete the custom (user defined) templates.

Viewing the default alert template format


  1. Choose Alerts > Manage Alert Templates from the navigation menu.
  2. Click on the default alert template name to view the format details. The following illustration displays the Network Policy Email template format.

Modifying a custom alert template format


  1. Choose Alerts > Manage Alert Templates from the navigation menu.
    The Manage Alert Templates page is displayed.
  2. Click on the template name to update the format details.
    You can only update the custom alert templates.
  3. Make the necessary changes. Click the Update button to save the changes.
  4. If you wish to save the template format with a different name for a later use, update the template name and click Save As.