Search Filters

Search filters are user-created filters (saved search patterns).

Such filters can be used in:

  • Alerts
  • Real-Time Viewer
  • Index Search
  • RegEx Search
  • Index Reports
  • Message routing rules

You can also filter your results using the Find field. Enter the keywords in the Find field to view the filtered results based on your search keywords. You can filter results based on all columns.

Note: The Find field does not support the use of Japanese.

The All Search Filters page lists all search filters that:

  • You created in the Add Search Filter page
  • You created and saved from the Index Search History tab (see Saving an Index Search as a Filter)
  • Are available to you, including shareable filters created or owned by other users
    Note: Avoid using a regular expression when a non-regular expression alternative is available. Regular expressions are almost always less effective and more error prone than non-regular expressions. For instance, instead of using the regular expression r;^[^:]://.\.loglogic\.com/.*$ you should write "r;”r;. You can also use a wild card symbol for searches. Using a wild card for regular expression searches indicate how many occurrences to match. For example, * means matching the preceding element zero or more times, whereas + means matching the element one or more times.