Message attributes and sample message of CISCO_PIX/ASA_MESSAGES_ALERT

Message attributes and associated values/description
Name Value / Description
Message PIX/ASA message
(Low | High)Threshold Low or high threshold for the message count (integer)
DurationSeconds Duration in seconds(integer)
MsgCriticality PIX/ASA message criticality(integer)
MsgCode PIX/ASA message code (integer)

Sample Message

<133> Mar 15 11:15:22 2009 %LOGLOGIC-5-050200:
AlertPriority="HIGH" AlertType="CISCO_PIX/ASA_MESSAGES_ALERT" AlertName="pixAlert" GeneratedBy="" ForDevices="" ForDeviceIPs="" ConfiguredForDevices="," Message="<1>Mar 6 09:35:38 %PIX-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group \"INBOUND-ITG\" " HighThreshold="5" DurationSeconds="60" MsgCriticality="4" MsgCode="106023" AlertableEventsCount="0"