Adding a Search Filter

Add a search filter for complex pattern matching by using the Add Search Filter page.


  1. Select Search > All Search Filters from the navigation menu.
  2. Click the Add New button.
  3. Type a name for your new search filter.
  4. Sharing - Read Only is the default setting for a new search filter; other users of this Appliance may see and use the new search filter. Set the radio button to No to prevent others from seeing and using the new search filter. Set the radio button to Read Write to allow others to see and modify the new search filter.
  5. Type a brief description of the new search filter.
    This description helps you remember what the filter is for, and describes it to other users if you shared the filter.
  6. Select a search filter option and enter the search filter criteria. See Search Filter Options.
    For this example, select the following option and a single filter criterion:
    1. Select the radio button Use Exact Phrase.
    2. Enter $username in the Use Exact Phrase text field.
  7. Click the Add button.
    Note: When adding the very first Search Filter to the Appliance, you may see the message There is no Search Filter defined in the system immediately after clicking Add. Refresh the Appliance memory by clicking Regular Expression Search in the navigation menu; then click Search Filters in the menu, and your new Search Filter is displayed in the list.