Common Request Parameters

A set of Common Request Parameters are required for each Device Group Service operation. The following table lists all of the Common Request parameters for the Device Group Service operations. For more information on the parameters, view the TIBCO LogLogic® appliance user interface for managing device groups as well as the online help.
Device Group Service Operation Common Request Parameters
Parameter Description Values Required Type
authToken Unique authentication token.   yes string
applianceIp The managed Appliance on which you perform the operation.

If the value is blank, it retrieves the Appliance IP address from the local Appliance.

This parameter is available only for Management Station Appliances using operations with Remote in the name.

IP address of a managed Appliance. To specify an IP address, use the standard IP address format. For example:


(for xxxxRemote operations only)

deviceGroupName Name of the device group on the TIBCO LogLogic® Appliance. Any text up to 64 characters in length. yes string
description Description for the device group. If you do not provide a description, you must at least specify the value as an empty string. Any text up to 64 characters in length.

Type double quotation marks (““) to specify an empty string or no description text.

yes string
groupType Type of device group, either local or global. The groupType value cannot be changed once the device profile is added. local or global yes string
enabled Indicates whether retrieval of log files from this device is enabled.

(Appears as enabled or disabled in returned value.)

Possible values:

yes — enable

no — disable

yes string
deviceNames Names or IP addresses (comma-separated) of devices in the group. Standard IP address format or device name. For example: or CiscoACS2

yes string
changeNameTo New name of the device group.

If empty, the object name is unchanged.

Any text up to 64 characters in length. yes

(for TIBCO LogLogic LMI Web Services API Implementation Guide and updateDeviceGroup
Remote only)
