Manage Alert Rules

Manage Alert Rules lets you define rules to detect unusual traffic on your network or detect appliance system anomalies.

You can add, modify, or remove alerts. You can configure alerts to generate SNMP events, syslog receiver and/or send an email notification when the alert rule is triggered. Each appliance includes a default set of alerts. You can modify these alerts and add to them as needed. You do not need to set up an SNMP or syslog server for the default alerts.

Note: If you have the Manage Alerts privileges, you can modify or delete alerts created by other users.

The Manage Alert Rules page displays the following details:

Manage Alert Rules Details
Element Description
Find Filter using the keywords. Enter the keywords in the Find field and press Enter.
Name Name of the alert.
Type Type of the alert.
Priority The defined priority of the alert.
Enabled Indicates whether the alert is active:

—You must assign a User and Alert Receiver for this alert. 

—You must assign a Device for this alert.

Description Description of the alert.