Viewing Retention Rule Details

The Custom rules section specifies the raw and indexed data retention time for log sources assigned to the custom rule. You can create, modify, or delete custom rules.

The Default Data Retention Rule section applies to all log sources that are not assigned to any custom rules. You can modify the time period, however, you cannot delete this rule.


  1. Navigate to Administration > Data Retention Rules. The Data Retention window appears.
    The left pane of the screen displays all rules including the default rule, and pre-defined custom rules. Once you select a rule, the right pane displays the rule details.
  2. To view all rules, click View All Rules in the left pane. You can view every log source and its effective rule in the right pane.
  3. From the left pane, select a rule. The right pane displays the rule description, and a list of all log sources assigned to the selected rule.
    You can filter the device list by Groups and devices or Only groups. You can also filter the list by entering text in the Find field, and press Enter. The filtered list containing the search term is displayed.
  4. Clear the search term in the Find field and press Enter to see all log sources.
    You can resize and move the columns to the positions you prefer by clicking on them and dragging. To sort the column in descending or ascending order, click the column header.