Global Retention Settings: Raw and Indexed Data

Specify the global data retention time for raw and indexed data.

The default settings for raw data and indexes are different for different appliance models:

Appliance Model Raw Data Indexes
ST 10 years (3650 days) 10 years (3650 days)
LX 3 months (90 days) 3 months (90 days)
MX, MX Virtual 1 year (365 days) 1 year (365 days)

Other default settings are:

  • Index Retention Purge Interval: 7200 seconds (every two hours)
  • Skip Index Purge on Start: No

These settings are global to the appliance, whereas the default retention rule values under the Administration > Data Retention Rules > Default Data Retention Rule section apply to all rules except custom rules.

Warning: Changing the values in this section and clicking Update to save the changes immediately updates the default retention rule values under the Administration > Data Retention Rules > Default Data Retention Rule section.

However, the reverse does not happen - changing the default retention rule values under Administration > Data Retention Rules > Default Data Retention Rule does not affect the values under Administration > System Settings > Global Retention Settings: Raw and Indexed Data.

Additionally, the following settings control index retention purging. The archiver is responsible for initiating the index purging process.
  • Index Retention Purge Interval: this value controls how often the system checks for both the removal of expired index folders and the removal of expired documents from indexes. It is set in units of seconds. The maximum permitted value is 86400 seconds.
  • Skip Index Purge on Start: When true, this flag suppresses the index purging for the first pass when the archiver is started.

For other archive settings, see Archive Config Tab (ST and LogLogic EVA only).