The Search Results Tab

Index Search results are displayed in the Search Results tab.

The keywords you entered are highlighted in different colors. For example, when entering login AND user as your Boolean expression, the Search Results tab shows the first keyword “login” in yellow and second keyword “user” in turquoise.

The UI uses several different colors to highlight search keywords after which it repeats the same color scheme.

The llshred utility destroys log event data. After running the utility, the log data is not deleted from the appliance. Instead, the log data is prefixed with the string LLSHREDDER and all characters are replaced with X. Running an index search after running the utility displays the shredded data in the search results.
For more information about the utility, contact your administrator.

In the results tab the Collector Domain is displayed in one of the following ways:

  • For Collector Domains specified in a UC the following format; <collector domainid>_<device IP>_<devicetype> is displayed in the Name field. For example, a windows machine with an IP address of and collector domain are displayed as 1_10.10.10.10._windows.
  • For Collector Domains specified in LogLogic LMI (Managment>Devices>AddNew) the Collector Domain name is displayed in the Collector Domain field.