Managing Suites

The main Suites page lists all Suites in the LogLogic appliance as well as the number of alerts, reports, and search filters in each Suite.

Note: When you install a LogLogic LSP, you can also import the Suite of alert rules, custom reports, and search filters if one comes with the LogLogic LSP. However, Management > Suites cannot be used for installing the LogLogic LSP itself. You must follow the installation procedure in the LogLogic LSP Release Notes.

You can access all Suites and their corresponding components from this view.

You can choose to list the reports in a Suite in the Reports/Search navigation menus. When viewing the reports in a Suite from the Reports/Search view, you can run each report ad-hoc or update the report. When you update the report, the changes affect all Suites containing the report. For more information on how to list reports under the Reports/Search navigation menus, see Creating a Suite.

  • To add a new Suite to the appliance, click Add New. The Suites page appears.
  • To modify the details for an existing Suite on the appliance, such as the name, description, sharing, and listing under Reports/Search menus, click the Suite Name.
  • To remove a Suite from the appliance, check the Suite’s check box and then click Remove.
To access or modify Click the number in...
Alerts in the Suite the Alerts column
Custom Reports in the Suite the Reports column
Search filters in the Suite the Search Filters column

The Suite tab also displays whether the Shared (Share with Other Users) option has been selected for the Suite, and whether the Listed (List under Reports/Search) option has been selected for the Suite in the navigation menus.