createMsgRouting Operation

With createMsgRouting operation you can create message routing rules.

Request Parameters

authToken, routingName, sourceDevice, destinationIP, destinationPort, routingProtocol, enabled, severity, facility, searchFilterName, compressionEnabled, encryptionEnabled, authenticationEnabled

For more information on each Common Request Parameter, see Common Request Parameters.


msgRoutingResponse (see msgRoutingResponse Type)


To add a message routing rule named MyRoutingRuleName for device to route to port 4433 using the TIBCO LogLogic TCP protocol, for all Syslog messages using the search filter named MySearchFilter, with encryption and authentication enabled:

createMsgRouting authstr “MyRoutingRuleName” “” “” “4433” “LogLogic TCP” “yes” “All Syslog” “MySearchFilter” “no” “yes” “yes”