Common XML Tags

Some frequently used XML tags.

The following XML tags are present in the exported XML file for all entities:

XML Tag Description
entity action Behavior for this XML file’s entity definition if another for this entity already exists on the importing appliance.
If the entity exists in the target Appliance, the entity is rejected on import.
If the entity exists in the target Appliance, the entity is updated on import; otherwise a new entity is inserted.
If the entity exists in the target Appliance, the entity is deleted on import.

entity is one of: Alerts, Users, Search Filters, Custom Reports, Devices, Suites, or Alert Templates.

  • oid
  • TemplateId
  • EmailDetailFlag
SerialNumber A unique number identifying the entity in the XML file.

A device group and all devices in the group have the same SerialNumber in their XML definitions.