Adding a Data Model in Graphical Mode

You can add a data model that can be activated to analyze results in the normalized format.

In graphical mode, a wizard helps you in adding a data model, source filter, parsing rule, previewing parser output, and modifying the rules.


  1. Navigate to the Management > Advanced Features > Data Models menu.
  2. On the Models page, click to add a model. By default, the graphical mode opens. For instructions on how to add in raw mode, see Adding a Data Model in Raw Mode.
  3. By default, the slider is set to ON to enable the model. Click the slider to OFF to disable the model.
  4. Enter the name of the data model in the Name field.
    • The name can contain the letters of the alphabet, a number, an underscore (_), or a hyphen(-).
    • When used in an Advanced Search query or an expression, the name must be enclosed in square brackets ([ ]) in any of the following scenarios:
      Name Examples
      starts with a number [123]



      contains a hyphen [data-a]



      contains all numbers [1234]
  5. Optional: Enter the description in the Description field.
  6. Add a new source filter, for instructions see Defining a Source Filter.
  7. Define a parsing rule, for instructions see Adding a Parsing Rule.
  8. Manage your custom columns, for instructions see Managing Columns.
  9. Click Save to add a new data model.


The Models page is updated with the newly added model.