Alert Templates

The XML tags present in an exported alert templates XML file.

XML Tag Description
Name Name of the alert template.
AlertType An internal type value of the alert for which the template is associated with. For all System alerts, the value is always 200.
AlertContentType Type of the template. It contains one of the following values: history, email, syslog, or snmp.
TemplateContent Definition of the template.
MaxLength The maximum allowed length of the alert which uses this template. For email type: 1 to 65503; For history, syslog, and snmp: 1 to 65535.
Note: If you wish to add some additional information in the Email Subject or Body fields in the TemplateContent tag, ensure that you add that within the <subject>, </subject> or <body>, </body> tags respectively. If the additional information is outside of these 2 pairs of tags, then the new information is not added or displayed in the template.