getListRemote Operation

Using getListRemote operation you can retrieve the complete list of all alerts currently defined on a managed TIBCO LogLogic Appliance from a Management Station.

Request Parameter

authToken , applianceIP


If resultCount is greater than 0 and statusCode is 2000 (successful), the response returns a list of all alerts (total number indicated by resultCount) currently configured in the remote TIBCO LogLogic Appliance.

If resultCount is 0 and statusCode is not 2000 (successful), an error is returned in statusMessage.


SOAP request for getListRemote Operation. To retrieve a list of all alerts defined in remote Appliance 1. 2. 20.100:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:aler="AlertService">
SOAP response for getListRemote Operation:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
      <ns:getListRemoteResponse xmlns:ns="AlertService">
         <ns:return xsi:type="ax27:AlertResponse" xmlns:ax27="" xmlns:ax28="" xmlns:xsi="">
            <ax28:authToken xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ax27:resultSet xsi:type="ax27:AlertDetail">
               <ax27:alertType>Adaptive Baseline Alert</ax27:alertType>
               <ax27:devices>All LogLogic Appliance</ax27:devices>
               <ax27:devices>All General Syslog</ax27:devices>
               <ax27:devices>All Other UNIX</ax27:devices>
               <ax27:networkMonitorPolicyRules xsi:nil="true"/>