Report and Search Service

The Report and Search Service provides programmatic access to the Reporting and Index Search functionality on the TIBCO LogLogic appliance.


Using TIBCO LogLogic Search Service API you can manage reports and search queries on TIBCO LogLogic appliances. Managing report and search queues includes running reports, viewing reports, and searching reports to return specific data.

The Report and Search Service API provides these operations:

  • Using getReport, your program run a:
    • Real-Time report query
    • Pre-defined Custom Report query
    • Index Search query
  • With getTemplateReportList, you can list all Real-Time report templates on the appliance.
  • With getCustomReportList, you can list all Custom Reports defined on the appliance.
  • With getDetailReportMetaInfo, you can retrieve the type information for columns in a report on the appliance via the given detail report token.

Status Codes

The status codes are:

0 No error
1 No data available for the query parameters provided
2 Invalid time range
3 Invalid report name
4 Unknown device
5 Insufficient Privilege for requested operation
6 Invalid device for report
7 Invalid input
8 Persistence exception
9 Invalid token reference for detail report operation