alertHistoryResponse Type

alertHistoryResponse is returned for all alert history operations.

alertHistoryResponse always contains the following common elements:
  • authToken
  • resultCount
  • statusCode
  • statusMessage
  • summaryOnly

In getAlertHistory operation, if resultCount is greater than 0 and statusCode is 2000 (successful), the resultSet element that holds alert logs is included after resultCount.

The attributes of an alert log are:

Alert log attributes
Attributes Description Type
key Used to identify a unique log. It can be used in acknowledgeAlertHistoryByKey or removeAlertHistoryByKey operations. The user can obtain this by calling getAlertHistory. string
time The date when the alert was triggered. It corresponds to the Time field on Show Triggered Alerts page. date
sourceIp Corresponds to the Source IP field on Show Triggered Alerts page.

If only one device is configured to the alert, the sourceIP is the device IP address and if multiple devices are configured, then the sourceIP is the device group value.

msgType Corresponds to the Type field on Show Triggered Alerts page. string
notifyType Possible values are 1, 2, 3 for email alert, snmp alert, and no notification, respectively. number
emailRcpt Email Receipt for the triggered alert. It corresponds to the Alert Destination field on Show Triggered Alerts page when email alert is used.

If multiple email addresses are used, then they are separated by a comma.

trapReceiver Corresponds to the Alert Destination field on Show Triggered Alerts page when snmp alert is used. string
message The alert message body. string
priority Possible values are 0, 1, 2 for priority low, medium, and high, respectively. number
ArchiveFlag Possible values are 0, 1 for unacknowledged alert logs and acknowledged alert logs, respectively. number
ApplianceIp Corresponds to the Appliance field on Show Triggered Alerts page. This field is visible on the Show Triggered Alerts page when you view alert logs from a Management Station. string

If resultCount is 0 and statusCode is not 2000 (successful), an error is returned in statusMessage.


Example of alertHistoryResponse Type:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
      <ns:getAlertHistoryResponse xmlns:ns="AlertService">
         <ns:return xsi:type="ax27:AlertHistoryResponse" xmlns:ax27="" xmlns:ax28="" xmlns:xsi="">
            <ax28:authToken xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ax27:resultSet xsi:type="ax27:AlertLog">
               <ax27:message>Alert 'TEST2'  was generated by
for the following device(s): All Other UNIX, All LogLogic Logu, All LogLogic Appliance, All General Syslog, ::ffff:, ::ffff:, ::ffff:, ::1_logapp, ::ffff:
Alert was configured for All Other UNIX, All LogLogic Logu, All LogLogic Appliance, All General Syslog, ::ffff:, ::ffff:, ::ffff:, ::1_logapp, ::ffff:
Current message rate: 0.67msgs/s. Low threshold: 45msgs/s. Reset time: 60s.
Subsequent alerts will not be sent until 60 seconds have passed.
There were 0 alertable events since last alert message.</ax27:message>
               <ax27:msgType>Message Volume Alert</ax27:msgType>
               <ax27:sourceIp>Device group</ax27:sourceIp>
               <ax27:trapReceiver xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ax27:resultSet xsi:type="ax27:AlertLog">
               <ax27:message>Alert 'TEST2'  was generated by
for the following device(s): All Other UNIX, All LogLogic Logu, All LogLogic Appliance, All General Syslog, ::ffff:, ::ffff:, ::ffff:, ::1_logapp, ::ffff:
Alert was configured for All Other UNIX, All LogLogic Logu, All LogLogic Appliance, All General Syslog, ::ffff:, ::ffff:, ::ffff:, ::1_logapp, ::ffff:
Current message rate: 0.77msgs/s. Low threshold: 45msgs/s. Reset time: 60s.
Subsequent alerts will not be sent until 60 seconds have passed.
There were 0 alertable events since last alert message.</ax27:message>
               <ax27:msgType>Message Volume Alert</ax27:msgType>
               <ax27:sourceIp>Device group</ax27:sourceIp>
               <ax27:trapReceiver xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ax27:resultSet xsi:type="ax27:AlertLog">
               <ax27:message>Alert 'TEST2'  was generated by
for the following device(s): All Other UNIX, All LogLogic Logu, All LogLogic Appliance, All General Syslog, ::ffff:, ::ffff:, ::ffff:, ::1_logapp, ::ffff:
Alert was configured for All Other UNIX, All LogLogic Logu, All LogLogic Appliance, All General Syslog, ::ffff:, ::ffff:, ::ffff:, ::1_logapp, ::ffff:
Current message rate: 0.67msgs/s. Low threshold: 45msgs/s. Reset time: 60s.
Subsequent alerts will not be sent until 60 seconds have passed.
There were 0 alertable events since last alert message.</ax27:message>
               <ax27:msgType>Message Volume Alert</ax27:msgType>
               <ax27:sourceIp>Device group</ax27:sourceIp>
               <ax27:trapReceiver xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ax27:resultSet xsi:type="ax27:AlertLog">