Filtering and Viewing Alerts


  1. Choose Alerts > Show Triggered Alerts from the home page.
  2. Select the type of alerts to display from the Show list.
    • All States shows all alerts in all categories.
    • New or Acknowledged Alerts shows only alerts in the selected category.
  3. Select the alert priority to view from the second list. The options are:
    • All Priorities
    • High
    • Medium
    • Low
    • All System Alerts

      To view all system alerts regardless of priority, select All System Alerts.

  4. Select the type of alert from the third list. To view all types of alerts, select All Types.
  5. (Management Station only) Select the appliance from which to view triggered alerts. To aggregate alerts from all managed Appliances into a single list, select All.
  6. To filter using the keywords, enter the keywords in the Find field and press Enter. To search based on Priority and Type, select the respective lists. For the remaining columns, enter the keyword in the Find field to filter the list. The filtered results are displayed.
    The Show Triggered Alerts page displays the specified alerts with the following details:
    Alert Details
    Element Description
    Time The time when the alert triggered
    Source IP Source IP address contained in the syslog message

    If an alert is for multiple devices, Device Group is shown as the Source IP.

    Priority The priority of the alert

    The priority of an alert is specified in the General tab.

    Type The Log appliance alert type

    For a list of alert types, see the Preconfigured System Alerts and Alert Types tables.

    Alert Destination Email addresses, trap receivers, or syslog receiver where notifications were sent when the alert triggered.