Differences between Backup on Appliance Product Families

The backup feature functions similarly on all LogLogic appliance product families.

The only significant difference comes in the amount of disk space taken by different types of backed up data:

Backup Appliance Comparison
Appliance Product Family Configuration Database Real Time Database Raw Log Files
LogLogic LX Appliance, LogLogic MX Appliance Similar Larger Similar
LogLogic ST Appliance Similar Very small Similar

Performance Metric

The following equation calculates the minimum time required for a backup or restore:

data-size / network-speed = minimum-time

data-size is the total size (in MB) to backup or restore

network-speed is the network speed (in MB/second)

minimum-time is the least possible time the process takes (in seconds)

For example, the minimum time needed to back up or restore 10,000 MB (10 GB) data through a 100 Mb (12.5 MB/sec) network is:

10,000 / 12.5 = 800 sec = 13 min 20 sec

Performance beyond this minimum time depends on many factors, including network bandwidth, and processor speed and availability.

It is good practice to use a 1 GB interface to provide a higher network bandwidth.