Viewing Replay Progress

When using Replay, you can view the progress of the log data as it is gathered and sent from the source LogLogic ST Appliance, as well as the progress of incoming log data to the destination LogLogic LX Appliance.

Viewing Replay Progress in the Source LogLogic ST Appliance

The LogLogic ST Appliance lets you view the progress of a running Replay session as well as the status of all schedule Replay sessions.


  1. From the navigation menu of the destination LogLogic ST Appliance, click Administration > Replay.
    The Replay Status tab appears listing all existing Replay sessions in your system.
  2. Navigate to the appropriate Replay session in the Replay Status table and view the State and Status tabs.
    The State column lists the current state of the Replay session:
    State Description
    canceled Replay session was canceled by a user
    completed Replay session is complete
    in progress Replay session is currently running
    pending Replay session is scheduled to run

    The Status column lists the status of the Replay session:

    Status Description
    Messages total messages to process
    retrieved total messages to be sent to the destination LogLogic LX Appliance
    sent total messages sent to the destination LogLogic LX Appliance

Viewing Progress in the Destination LogLogic LX Appliance

From the destination LogLogic LX Appliance, to view the progress of incoming log data for a replay session, go to Dashboards > System Status. From here you can also access the Message Rate, and CPU Usage tabs.