Viewing Existing Suites and Reports

You can view existing suites and reports.

Viewing an Existing Suite


  1. In the navigation menu, click Management > Suites.
    The Suites page appears. The page displays the details about the existing Suites including the number of associated alerts, reports, and search filters, a description, the owner, and if the reports are listed under Reports/Search menus as a Suite.
  2. To view details about the Suite such as the alerts, reports, or search filters, click the number in the appropriate column for the Suite you want to view.
    You can also click on a Suite name, and then click the appropriate tab for Alerts, Reports, or Search Filters.

Viewing an Existing Report Listed as a Suite


  1. In the navigation menu, click Reports.
  2. The menu expands, listing all Report types and Report sub-categories.
  3. Click on a Report sub-category (for example: Reports > Access Control > User Access) to view all Saved Reports for which the Share with Other Users option has been selected.
  4. In the Actions column, you can Run or Edit the saved report.