Generic W3C

The date and time format for Generic W3C is: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.

Example: Date/Time Format

For this date and time format, there is usually a header which indicates the date and time column.

#Software: Microsoft(R) Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000
#Version: 1.0
#Date: 2009-03-25 00:00:00
#Fields: c-ip   cs-username     c-agent date    time s-computername   cs-referred     r-host  r-ip    r-port time-taken      cs-bytes         sc-bytes       cs-protocol s-operation     cs-uri   s-object-source sc-status    anonymous       Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)      2009-03-25      00:00:00        CO-NET-002 -        -       -      --       857     -       -       GET client=Bet365&placement=Livescore_Soccer_ROW_120x60_GIF  -       12209

In this example, the date is 2009-03-25 and the time is 00:00:00. The date and time column can be in different places, so parse the header row to find the location.

It can also be x-timestamp, for example:

#Software: NetCache NetApp/5.5R6D18
#Version: 1.0
#Start-Date: 2009-03-15 06:24:09
#Remark: http
#Fields: x-timestamp time-taken c-ip x-transaction bytes cs-method cs-uri x-username x-hiercode rs(Content-Type) x-note 1237075200.157 0.001 TCP_HIT/200 0 GET - - "text/html" -

In this example, x-timestamp is in the epoch time and milliseconds format. The millisecond is optional so it might not appear.