Connection Parameters

The connection properties are hosted in the UldpConnectionSettings object. They follow the typical get/set method naming of Java Beans.

Name Type Default Value Description
Host String localhost Part of the constructor
Port Integer 5515 if secure;

5516 if not secure

Part of the constructor
MaxQueueSize Integer 51200 (50kB) The size of the queue of non-acknowledged message to retain.

The value 0 indicates not retaining messages after they are sent.

UseCompression Boolean false If true, messages are compressed. Better compression is achieved by sending event in batches, by calling flush() after the end of the batch.
UseTls Boolean false If true, initiates a TLS connection.
UseEncryption Boolean true Implies that UseAuthentication is true. A ciphering algorithm should be used.
KeystorePath String N/A Sets the keystore to be used to find an anchor of trust and a client certificate, if needed.
KeystorePassword String N/A The password to be used to access the keystore and the private keys within it.
TlsProtocolName String TLSv1.2 The version of the TLS protocol to use.
CipherName String N/A Name of the stack of crypto protocols to be used:
  • TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA: If encryption is on
  • SSL_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA: If encryption is off
Note: Although encryption is off, a cipher suite is used for authentication. This might cause problems with Java 1.8.0_u201 or later, because null cipher suites are disabled by default.
NoServerAuthentication Boolean false Accept any server certificate. Recommended only for testing purposes, such as when there is no threat of a man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack.
DomainName String N/A Sets the domain name
ignoreHostnameValidation Boolean true When true, the certificate subject is not validated against the host name or IP address used for connection.
addAcceptedCertificateFingerprints String N/A Lists the fingerprints of the accepted certificates, separated by ','. An ASCII label identifying the hash function followed by a colon are concatenated at the beginning of the fingerprint.
Important: Implementations must support SHA-1 as the hash algorithm and use the ASCII label "sha-1" to identify the SHA-1 algorithm.
The length of an SHA-1 hash is 20 bytes and the length of the corresponding fingerprint string is 65 characters. An example certificate fingerprint is: sha-1:E1:2D:53:2B:7C:6B:8A:29:A2:76:C8:64:36:0B:08:4B:7A:F1:9E:9D