
The contents of alert entity definitions are mostly based on Add Alert settings in the user interface. The XML tags for alert entities vary based on alert type.

The following XML tags are commonly present in most exported alerts XML file:
XML Tag Description
Name Name of the alert as it appears in the UI.
Description (optional) Description of the alert as it appears in the UI.
AlertType Number indicating the type of device. The numbers are indexed in the logappconfig.admAlertType table.
Priority Number indicating the priority.

0 = Low; 1 = Medium; 2 = High

EnableFlag Flag indicating whether this alert is enabled.

1 = Yes. 0 = No.

AllDeviceFlag Flag indicating whether to track all devices individually.

1 = Yes. 0 = No.

SendToTrapFlag Flag indicating whether to send the alert to an alert receiver.
Highthreshold Measured ratio percentage above which the alert triggers.
Lowthreshold Measured ratio percentage below which the alert triggers.
Resettime Time (in seconds) to wait between alerts.
SearchExpressionName (Pre-Defined Search Filter alert only)

Name of the search filter used by the alert.

AlertDevices Names of devices or device groups about which the alert can trigger.
TrapDevices Names of alert receiver devices.
AlertUsers Names of users who are email recipients for the alert.
UserName Name of the user who receives the email alert.
HistoryTemplate The template name for the selected alert history template.
EmailTemplate The template name for the selected email template.
SyslogTemplate The template name for the selected syslog template.
SnmpTemplate The template name for the selected snmp template.