Export Commands

Use these commands when exporting configurations.

Create a symlink in /loglogic/bin/. to the llconf file: /loglogic/logu/configurator/bin/llconf
To do this Run this command Result
export all configurations ./llconf export the default loguconfig.json file is automatically created in the same directory
export configurations into a different file ./llconf export -f <path_to_file> the file is saved at the defined location
export configuration into yaml format ./llconf export -y the default loguconfig.yml file is automatically created in the same directory
export configuration into a zip file ./llconf export -z the default loguconfig.zip file is automatically created in the same directory
export the selective configuration from the LogLogic system ./llconf export --configlist <path_tofile>

The following expressions can be used in the configlist file:

"sources" : [ "abc", "xyz" ], // This will export Data Models named "abc" and "xyz" only 
"bloks" : ["blok*"], // Export all Blok configurations with name starting "blok"
"alertTriggers" : ["*"], // Export all triggers
"smartlists" : ["*"], // Export all Smartlist configurations
"dashboards" : ["*"], // Export all Dashboard configurations
"aggrRules":["*"], // Export all aggregation rules
"triggerGroups":["*"] // Export all trigger groups

// To skip all Advanced Data Models "source": []}
Note: If you are using this sample, make sure you remove the comments (shown by //) at the end of the line