Setting the Boot Order

This procedure ensures that the boot order is correct.


  1. Reboot or power cycle the LogLogic LMI appliance.
  2. Press F2 to enter System Setup.
  3. Select System BIOS.
  4. Select Boot Settings.
  5. Select BIOS Boot Settings.
  6. Select Hard-Disk Drive Sequence.
  7. Select Integrated RAID Controller and press the + button to move it up to the first position.
  8. Press Enter to save.
  9. Press ESC three times to exit the menu.
    A prompt with the message, Do you want to save the changes, is displayed.
  10. Select Yes to save the changes.
  11. Press Esc.
    A prompt with the following message is displayed:
    Are you sure you want to exit and reboot?
  12. Select Yes.