Monitoring Backup Status

Monitor the progress of a current backup or review a recent backup from the Administration > Backup/Restore Configuration > Backup Status tab.

The Backup Status tab displays the latest backup processes and their details. The status of a backup in progress is updated every 20 seconds.

The Status/Operation column indicates the status of the operation and the type of the operation - backup or restore.

The Location column displays the backup or restore location.
Note: In case of SAN backup, the location of the previous backup might be displayed in the Location column.

The Files Completed/Total column displays the number of files backed up and the total files. However, after restoring a full backup, the value changes to 0/0 even though the restore is complete.

The Details column indicates the phases of the backup process as they progress. These are high-level process phases, similar to the comment fields that appear in the backup log.

Note: Sometimes you might see a message, CAN NOT FIND EXACT MATCH MIDNIGHT DIRECTORY, in the Details column. This message is harmless and can be ignored.

To view the step-by-step detailed log of a listed backup process, including one currently processing, click its Start Time End Time entry. The complete log of the selected process appears.

Backup Status Detail Example

When the backup is completed, the end of the status details includes entries similar to:

Tue Jan 17 02:02:11 2017: INFO: ###################################

Tue Jan 17 02:02:11 2017: INFO: # Trim excess backup on remote host

Tue Jan 17 02:02:11 2017: INFO: ###################################

Tue Jan 17 02:02:11 2017: INFO: Executing command "/usr/bin/ssh -p 22 toor@ '\ls -1 /loglogic/backup/ll_bkup_::ffff:' 2>&1"

Tue Jan 17 02:02:11 2017: INFO: Executing command "/usr/bin/ssh -p 22 toor@ 'mv /loglogic/backup/ll_bkup_::ffff: /loglogic/backup/ll_bkup_::ffff:' &> /dev/null"

Tue Jan 17 02:02:12 2017: INFO: ###################################

Tue Jan 17 02:02:12 2017: INFO: # Backup Completed

Tue Jan 17 02:02:12 2017: INFO: ###################################

Tue Jan 17 02:02:12 2017: INFO: Executing command "rm -rf /loglogic/backup_prep/staging &> /dev/null"