Configuring a Hawk domain

You can register and configure multiple Hawk domains within LogLogic LMI. The Monitoring Console connects to Hawk domains using TCP.

In addition to the default lmi_domain, you can configure and register other external domains in LogLogic LMI and external Hawk agents can connect to the domains.

If you have deployed LogLogic EVA on a Docker host, you must use the proxy domain type to connect to existing Hawk domains.

Domain type Description
regular An external Hawk domain (created outside of LogLogic LMI), to be connected over TCP.

Provide a domain name and its TCP transport details.

proxy An external Hawk domain (created outside of the LogLogic LMI), to be connected using the proxy method.

Provide a domain name, URL, and login credentials.

LMI Domain An internal domain, provided as a built-in, ready-to-use domain.

External agents can connect securely to this domain using the Self/Cluster Manager Host:Port field.

New Domain An internal domain, similar to the built-in LMI Domain

External agents can connect securely to this domain using the Self/Cluster Manager Host:Port field.

  1. On the Monitoring Console, in the Domain section click the plus (+) icon.
  2. In the Configure Domain dialog box, provide the following information:

    For details about these parameters, see TIBCO Hawk® Console User's Guide.

    Field Description Default Value
    Domain typeChoose one of the following domain types:
    • proxy
    • regular
    • New Domain
    • LMI Domain
    Note: LMI Domain is the default domain. If you select LMI Domain, all other fields are automatically set to their default values.

    LMI Domain is available in the list only if it is currently unregistered.

    Domain Name Type a name for the domainAutomatically set to lmi_domain (if you select LMI Domain as the domain type)
    Transport The transport protocol
    Note: Not applicable to a proxy domain.
    • Self Host: Port
    • Cluster Manager Host: Port
    • Self Host: Port: Enter the IP address and port of the LogLogic LMI appliance
    • Cluster Manager Host: Port: Enter the IP address and port of the cluster manager
    Note: These two fields are available when you select the domain type as regular.
    Self/Cluster Manager Host: Port

    Enter the IP address and port of the appliance. The port number must be unique and open for bidirectional communication.

    • If you select LMI Domain as the domain type, the value is set to <appliance_IP_address>:9688 and the field is not editable.
    • If you select New domain as the domain type, you must enter the appliance IP address and port.
    If you select LMI Domain or New domain as the domain type, the two fields Self Host: Port and Cluster Manager Host: Port are combined as the Self/Cluster Manager Host: Port field.
  3. To configure a domain that uses SSL-based TCP transport, select the Additional transport options check box and provide the values for the following fields:
    Field Description
    Key store Absolute path of the key store that contains the Monitoring Console certificate and key to be loaded while communicating with the Hawk domain. You must provide a custom keystore that has a password-protected key.

    For example, the default keystore of LogLogic LMI is:

    Key store password Password to access the key store
    Key password Password to access the private key
    Trust store Absolute path to the trust store to be used to validate the Hawk component certificates while communicating with the Hawk domain.

    For example, the default trust store of LogLogic LMI is:

    Trust store password Password to access the trust store
    SSL protocol (optional) TLSv1.3 and TLSv1.2 protocols are supported.
    SSL Enabled Algorithms (optional) Comma-separated list of algorithms.

    Default value: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA

    Security Policy Choose one of the following:
    • None
    • Trusted
    • Trusted with Domains (only for Windows domains)
    • Custom
  4. Click Configure.
ResultThe domain is configured and displayed in the Domains section.
Note: Whenever the connection of the appliance with the domain is lost, the appliance tries to reconnect. However, if the appliance is not able to reconnect, a reconnect button appears on the Monitoring Console. You can click the button to manually reconnect to the domain.
What to do next After configuring a Hawk domain, you can connect Hawk agents to it.
Note: When configuring Hawk agents, ensure that you use the domain name, IP address, and port number of the domain in LogLogic LMI.

For information about how to connect Hawk agents to the Hawk domain, contact your Hawk administrator or see TIBCO Operational Intelligence Hawk® documentation.