System Group of Dashboards

The built-in System group includes the following dashboards for quick reference:

System Status

The System Status dashboard provides an overview of the current status of the system. You can view this dashboard on theDashboards > Advanced Dashboards > Advanced System Status page.

This dashboard displays the following widgets:

  • Widgets displaying availability of disk space and archive storage:
    • Free Disk Space
    • Used Disk Space
    • Total Disk Space
    • Tables: stDataFile, indexFiles, metaIndexFiles - Size in MB
    • Remote Archive Storage
    • Estimated time to reach maximum disk usage
  • Line chart widgets depicting CPU usage:
    • CPU Usage - 1 Minute
    • CPU Usage - 10 Minutes
    • CPU Usage - 15 Minutes
    On these charts, the X-axis displays the time and the Y-axis displays the CPU load.
  • Line chart widgets depicting the message rate:
    • Message Rate - 1 Minute
    • Message Rate - 5 Minutes
    • Message Rate - 15 Minutes
    • Message Rate - 30 Days
    On these charts, the X-axis displays the time and the Y-axis displays the message rate.
  • Bar widgets depicting the ingested and indexed data over the last 24 hours:
    • Ingested and Indexed Message Count - Last 24 hours
    • Ingested and Indexed Bytes - Last 24 hours
    • Real Time - Message Count - Last 24 hours
    • File Pull - Message Count - Last 24 hours
    • Ingested vs Indexed Messages in MB - Last 24 hours
    • Ingested Messages in MB - Last 24 hours
    • Indexed Messages in MB - Last 24 hours
    • Indexed vs Unindexed Messages in MB - Last 24 hours
    These bar widgets use two different colors for the message count or message bytes. On this chart, the X-axis displays time and the Y-axis displays the message count or message bytes.
  • Widgets displaying status of rules:
    • Message Routing Rules
    • Forwarder Rules
    • File Transfer Rules
  • Widgets displaying infrastructure information:
    • IO Statistics
    • Status of LogLogic LMI engines

Retention Policies

To view this dashboard, go toDashboards > Advanced Dashboards > Retention Policies. The Retention Policies dashboard includes the following widgets:

  • Number widgets showing default policy for raw message retention and default index retention in days:
    • Default Period of Raw Retention
    • Default Period of Index Retention
  • Current Values of Data Retention Rules: An inverted bar chart that displays the number of retention in days for each rule. The X-axis displays the retention value in days and the Y-axis displays rule names.